Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1 Year of Isley

Isley-It's happening.  That time in life when "blink and you'll miss it" is becoming all too true.

With your sister I remember time standing still-I couldn't wait for her to get to the next milestone in life because it was all so new and I was impatient to see what came next. It's different with you-I already know what comes next so I am in no hurry to see the stage you are in pass.  I take advantage of every opportunity to cover you with kisses, sing to you, hold you tight, rock you, make you giggle. You brighten my life every day and I marvel at your constant good demeanor. People ask me often "is she like this all the time??" and  "she's the absolute best baby!" It's true, you are the best baby! You remind me so much of your Daddy, you love to make people laugh and are easy going and easy to make smile :) You have an infectious joy about you-it's so fun to watch you bring smiles to all the people around you.

Sweet, blissful Isley Virginia.

 I cannot believe you are already one year old!! I don't really know how the time flew by so quickly! One thing I do know-you are the perfect addition to our family. You make us all light up-Daddy, Bella and I look forward to playing with you every day. You bring such light to all of our lives!

I love the "crinkly-nose" face that you make and that mischievous grin you give me when you get into something and make a mess!

You love our kitties, books, sweet potatoes, and drinking from real straws. You don't like blueberries, you don't care a thing about learning to walk, you love to shake your head "yes" and "no". You can say "Bella", "papa", "mama", "nooooo", "da-do" (thank you), neigh (for a horse), "mow" (for kitties), and "hello".

You have been to the beach twice and love the water and sand (the sand a little too much-you eat it if given the chance!) You got to see a beautiful wedding on the beach with myself and Daddy. You have lots of sweet friends from church and you don't have much fear of anything. You love your sister and Mommy

BUT I'm pretty certain Daddy is your favorite. You GLOW when he is around.

I pray that the Lord will guide you every step of your life and I thank Him for bringing you into our world and  reminding us perfect his timing is with your presence.

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